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Contacts Importer : Requirements & Installations

Requirements and Installations of PHP Contact Importer Library:

  • PHP 4 or 5
  • cURL 7.1 or higher (compiled with OpenSSL and zlib).
  • A user/pass for decoding captcha.

Copy the directory 'includes'(with the all the files available within this folder) and index.php(feel free to rename it) to somewhere in your web server. Installation is complete. Test it by browsing index.php.

Index.php and index2.php demonstrates how to use contact importer PHP Library in your website.

Requirements and Installations of .NET/ASP.NET Contact Importer Library:

  • .NET Framework 1.1 or higher.
  • Website running in full trust. (If you are running the website in partial/medium trust mode, ensure proper trust is granted on the DLLs)
  • A user/pass for decoding captcha.

Copy all the files and folders available in folder to your web server root or to any virtual directory. Installation is complete. Try it browsing index.aspx.
Index.aspx demonstrates how to use contact importer .net Library within

Requirements and Installations of JAVA/JSP Contact Importer Library:

  • JDK1.4.2 or higher.
  • A user/pass for decoding captcha.

Copy all the .jar files available in lib folder to your class path and copy index.jsp to your java web server. Installation is complete.
Index.jsp demonstrates how to use contact importer java Library within JSP pages and demonstrates how to use Contact Importer library in Java.

Requirements and Installations of classic ASP Contact Importer Library:

  • Any version of ASP.

Copy the directory 'includes'(with the all the files available within this folder) and index.asp(feel free to rename it) to somewhere in your web server. Installation is complete. Test it by browsing index.asp.
Index.asp demonstrates how to use contact importer from classic ASP.

Requirements and Installations of Python Contact Importer Library:

  • Minimum Python 2.3.

Copy the directory 'includes' (with the all the files available within this folder) and (feel free to rename it) to somewhere in your web server. Installation is complete. Test it by browsing demonstrates how to use contact importer from Python.

Requirements and Installations of ActiveX :

This ActiveX is purely written in C++ as a result it works as a stand alone application and does not have any dependecies on user machine.

To use Activex for microsoft outlook and outlook express importer on your website you need to purchase 'Code signing Certificate' . You can collect activex certificate from, or

The Perl version requires you to have WWW::Mechanize and HTTP::Cookies library installed.

The Cold Fusion version requires you to have CFX_HTTP5 tag installed.

The Ruby on Rails veversion does not require the installation of any extra Ruby library. It uses only Ruby built in functionalities.

More information available in FAQ

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